hysop.numerics.interpolation.polynomial module¶
- class hysop.numerics.interpolation.polynomial.PolynomialInterpolator(dim, deg, fd, approximative=False, verbose=False)[source]¶
Create a PolynomialInterpolator.
- Parameters:
dim (int) – Number of dimensions to interpolate.
deg (int or tuple of ints) – Polynomial degree (1=linear, 3=cubic, 5=quintic, 7=septic, …) Degree should be odd on each axis.
fd (int or tuple of ints) – Order of centered finite differences used to compute derivatives in each direction. Will affect the number of ghosts of the method. Should be even because this interpolator only use centered dinite differences.
approximative (bool) – Use np.float64 instead of exact fractions to compute weights.
verbose (bool) – Enable or disabled verbosity, default to False.
- deg¶
Polynomial degree (1=linear, 3=cubic, 5=quintic, 7=septic, …) Degree should be odd: deg=2k+1
- Type:
tuple of ints
- fd¶
Order of centered finite differences stencils used to compute derivatives for each direction.
- Type:
tuple of ints
- p¶
Corresponds to deg+1. The total number of polynomial coefficients corresponds to P=p0*p1*…*p(dim-1).
- Type:
tuple of ints
- k¶
Max derivative order required to compute the polynomial interpolator coefficients in each direction. Also the regularity of the resulting interpolant. Corresponds to (deg-1)/2.
- Type:
tuple of ints
- ghosts¶
Return the number of ghosts required by the interpolator on each axis. Corresponds to (k>0)*[fd//2 - 1 + (k+1)//2]
deg k (k+1)/2 | FDC2 FDC4 FDC6
linear: 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 cubic: 3 1 1 | 1 2 3 quintic: 5 2 1 | 1 2 3 septic: 7 3 2 | 2 3 4 nonic: 9 4 2 | 2 3 4
- Type:
tuple of ints
- n¶
Corresponds to 2*(ghosts+1), the number of required nodes to generate the polynomial coefficients (in each direction). In total we have N=n0*n1*…*n(dim-1) input nodes.
G1 G1
- <-> <->
X X X X X P P X X P P X X X X X <—–>
- Type:
tuple of ints
- M¶
- Grid values to polynomial coefficient matrix:
- M.dot(F.ravel()) will give C.ravel(), coefficients of P(x0,x1,…)
<———> X X X X X X ^ |f0| ^ |c0| ^ X X X X X X | |f1| | |c1| |
- M = X X X X X X | P F = |f2| | N C = M*F = |c2| | P
X X X X X X | |f3| | |c3| | X X X X X X v |f4| | |c4| v
|f5| v
If approximative is set to True, M will contain np.float64 Else is will contain rationals.
- Type:
- class hysop.numerics.interpolation.polynomial.PolynomialSubgridInterpolator(interpolator, grid_ratio, dtype=None)[source]¶
Create a PolynomialSubgridInterpolator from a PolynomialInterpolator and a number of subrid points.
- Parameters:
interpolator (PolynomialInterpolator) – Interpolant used to compute weights.
grid_ratio (tuple of int) – Tuple of integers representing the ratio between the coarse and the fine grid.
dtype (np.dtype) – Force to cast dtype for all matrices (interpolator.M may contain rationals).
- n¶
Corresponds to 2*(ghosts+1), the number of required nodes to generate the polynomial coefficients (same as interpolator.n).
- N¶
Total number of input nodes N including ghosts (same as interpolator.N). N = n0*n1*…*n[dim-1]
- Type:
- s¶
Corresponds to grid_ratio + 1, number of points of the subgrid in each directions. Example for a grid ratio=(3,3), we have s=(4,4):
O=coarse grid nodes, X=fine grid nodes
Coarse grid: Fine grid:
^ O—–O ^ O X X O | | | | X X X X
- 1 | | | 4 | X X X X
- v O—–O v O X X O
- <—–> <—–>
1 4
- S¶
Represents the number of fine grid points contained in a coarse grid cell. S = s0*s1*…*s[dim-1]
- Type:
- gr¶
Corresponds to grid_ratio, number of points of the subgrid in each directions, minus one. Example for a grid ratio=(3,3), we have gr=(3,3) and s=(4,4):
O=coarse grid nodes, X=fine grid nodes, -=excluded find grid nodes
Coarse grid: Fine grid:
^ O—–O ^ O X X O ^ | | | gr0 | X X X - | s0
- 1 | | | v X X X - |
- v O—–O O - - O v
- <—–> <—>
1 gr1
- GR¶
Represents the number of fine grid points contained in a coarse grid cell exluding right most points. GR = gr0*gr1*…*gr[dim-1]
- Type:
- W¶
Pre computed weights to interpolate directly from coarse to fine grid. Let F be the vector of N known coarse grid node values (including required ghosts). Let G be the vector of S unknown fine grid node values.
- W = X X X X X X | S F= |f3| | N G = W*F = |g4| | S
X X X X X X | |f4| | |g5| | X X X X X X | |f5| v |g6| | X X X X X X | |g7| | X X X X X X v |g8| v
Will contain the same data type as intepolator.M if dtype is not passed, else W will be computed from user given dtype.
- Type:
- Wr¶
Reduced W that exludes rightmost output points of ndimensional output vector.
Pre computed weights to interpolate directly from coarse to inner fine grid. Let F be the vector of N known coarse grid node values (including required ghosts). Let G be the vector of GR unknown fine inner grid node values (see gr attribute).
- Type:
- property Wr¶
- class hysop.numerics.interpolation.polynomial.PolynomialSubgridRestrictor(subgrid_interpolator)[source]¶
Create a PolynomialSubgridRestrictor from a PolynomialSubgridInterpolator.
- Parameters:
subgrid_interpolator (PolynomialSubgridInterpolator) – Interpolant used to compute restrictor weights.
- R¶
Restrictor weights.
- Type:
- Rr¶
Restrictor weights excluding leftmost and rightmost points.
- Type:
- ghosts¶
Corresponds to origin - 1, which is also Rr origin.